FGC9 MKII Gunsmithing Mat (PG Version)



Th* EFFGC9 MKII G*nsmithing m*t is a sp*cialized mat d*signed for g*n enthusi*sts and fire*rm mainten*nce professionals. It is made fr*m high-dens*ty f*am that is r*sistant to *il, solvents, and ch*micals, mak*ng it highly dur*ble and p*rfect for fr*quent *se.

This mat features a non-slip and textured surface that provides a secure and comfortable grip for your tools, and it is easy to clean, allowing you to remove dirt and debris with ease. It is a versatile tool that is ideal for use with firearms such as pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

The FGC9 MKII, on the other hand, is a 9mm semi-automatic pistol designed for home manufacturing. It is an upgraded version of the original FGC9 design, which was created by a group of firearm enthusiasts and engineers known as “Deterrence Dispensed” in 2019. The FGC9 MKII is highly customizable, reliable, and durable, making it popular among DIY firearm enthusiasts.

Pick it in three sizes 12” × 18”, 12” × 22” & 31.29″ × 15.7″ and glow up your workspace.

.: 4 mm thick neoprene
.: Anti-slip backing
.: Full print
.: Multifunctional use

Additional information

Weight N/A


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