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Developer: MountainMan1776
Beta: Started
a printable Jennings 22. The Jiffy22 beta test is now open.
Beta Hosted by The Gatalog on their Rocket Chat. Join the rocket chat to participate. Click the “Join the Beta” button to message the developer directly requesting access. Must have a rocket chat user account to participate. – See Joining the Gatalog’s Rocket Chat
The Gatalog’s Rules for Beta Testers
The Purpose: To create a singular publicly released and shared package of known good files paired with instructions that would enable someone to build whatever we have released without having to come in contact with us. A stand-alone downloadable unit that will allow someone to complete it without having to come to a forum for assistance.
The Rules:
- Don’t leak the beta files. A singular, known good, with instructions package is the first thing the broader world should ever see of this. A smattering of files of dubious dimension and quality with incomplete instruction are of no benefit to anyone.
- These rooms and groups are to test what the developer is releasing, not for you to make feature requests of them. Test what they are providing. Give feedback regarding the print build and assembly. Don’t ask them to make it take Glock mags. Or other features to make it your dream gun. If the dev asks then fine, otherwise save it until after its released or if the dev requests feedback of this nature.
- Do not attempt to modify beta files. We are trying to lock down a configuration. Your modification will both invalidate the configuration we are attempting to test and void the results of the test.
- Test build and report back with speed (if you’re able). We understand you’re busy but the faster you all report results back to the dev the faster it will get to release.
- Beta rooms are for us to collectively verify new files, not for you to get some cool shit early. Do more than watch or print. (This is not early access.)
- Have fun. Seriously. And don’t be dicks.
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